Volume 11 Number 2
Editor's Introduction (Winter 2012)
Welcome to Didache: Faithful Teaching Volume 11: 2. This edition incorporates some of the changes we announced last edition. We have actually one of our more diverse offerings including three global regions (Africa, Mesoamerica and USA) and a new collaborative with Nazarene Educators Worldwide. In all, the theme might be “holistic” issues in teaching/learning including issues of context (including immigrant challenges) content (disciplinary considerations), teaching, and assessing learning. While a number of our presentations revolve more around insights into practice, the journal as a whole really embodies its mission quite well: seeking intersections between education, culture and faith. Perhaps the subtitle of the journal says it all, this edition models “faithful teaching” through the various issues addressed in the writings.
Catching up the deadlines remain a bit of a challenge so our apologies once more for a March rather than January publication. We hope to make a July deadline for the summer edition (more at the bottom of the introduction for faculty with sound student publications for the next edition).
See the link below to read the remainder of the editor's introduction.
Papers are in PDF format which requires Adobe Reader. Click title link to open PDF file.
default INTRODUCTION (237 KB) Dean G. Blevins
Table of Contents
default Can Faith Be Divorced From The Public Square? (308 KB) Gift Mtukwa, Africa Nazarene University
pdf El Fenómeno De La Migración En Guatemala. (325 KB) Ela Gonzalez, Iglesia del Nazareno de Chimaltenango, Guatemala
default Assessing Dissertations In A Doctorate Of Education Program. (216 KB) Esther Swink, and Richard Parrot Trevecca Nazarene University
default A Call For Civility. (197 KB) Porter King, Trevecca Nazarene University
default The Bible As A Community Encounter: An Essay On Challenges For Faculty And Students Of Scripture. (212 KB) David A. Ackerman, Ph.D., Pastor, Buhl Church of the Nazarene, Buhl, ID
Designing Seminary Expectations.
(128 KB)
Laura Felleman, Ph.D., Pastor, First United Methodist Church of Plattsmouth, NE