Volume 1 Number 1

Last Updated: Wednesday, 19 February 2014

For all of our diversity we do have one resource that holds our many Christian communities together, our common heritage in John Wesley and his conviction of holiness for heart and life. It is this common heritage that shapes the theme of our first edition. (June 2001) We were fortunate to have a rich resource from a series of international conferences hosted by the RIIE. Our journal opens with a presentation by a true “gentleman scholar” of our tradition, Dr. William Greathouse (General Superintendent emeritus, Church of the Nazarene and former President, Nazarene Theological Seminary). His presentation of our Wesleyan tradition and message is echoed in three other treatises: by Dr. David McEwan (Dean, Australia Nazarene Theological College), Dr. Sung-Won Kim (Director, the Institute of Korea Nazarene Research) and Dr. Albert Truesdale (former Dean of Nazarene Theological Seminary and Member of RIIE). Each article is a mixture of scholarship and exposition since they were originally designed as conference addresses. Collectively they provide a rich tapestry of Wesleyan thought and practice.


The next section of our journal includes additional insight into our practices as Wesleyans. I have taken the liberty of including my address that attempts to provide a comprehensive strategy for education true to Wesley’s rubric, the means of grace. This article is followed by Fletcher Tink’s and Brian Postlewait’s (Nazarene Compassionate Ministry, International) provocative exploration of contemporary efforts at transformation through various compassionate ministries strategies. The journal concludes with Jorge Julca’s insightful treatment of Wesleyan education in an explicitly South American context, setting a trajectory toward our next edition. These articles serve as a helpful collection addressing our common Wesleyan heritage yet shaped by culture and pedagogical concerns. We are deeply indebted to David Ackerman, editor of The Mediator, a journal published through Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary. The articles written by Reverend McEwan and Dr. Truesdale were also printed in that journal. For more information concerning The Mediator please write. The Mediator; Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary; Ortiga Ave. Ext., Kaytikling; Taytay, 1920 Rizal; Philippines; email <mediator@apnts.com.ph>

default Read the editor's entire introduction (20 KB)  for Volume 1 Number 1

Research Section

default The Theological Vision that Guides Clergy Preparation in The Church of the Nazarene (98 KB)  By William M. Greathouse

default Quality Theological Education from a Wesleyan Perspective (37 KB)  By David B. McEwan

default A Philosophy of Education for the Wesleyan-Arminius Theological Tradition (26 KB)  By Sung-Won Kim

default A Calling to Fulfill (55 KB)  By Albert L. Truesdale, Jr.

Insights into Practice

default Empowering Students for Learning and Ministry (37 KB)  By Dean G. Blevins

default Have Compassion on Our Campuses! Developing Curricula for Ministry in an Urban and Needy World (38 KB)  By Fletcher Tink with Brian Postlewait

default Teaching in a Cross-Cultural Setting: South American Region (43 KB)  By Jorge L. Julca

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