Submission Guidelines

Last Updated: Monday, 29 September 2014


  1. All unsolicited research articles remain subject to a blind review process adopted by Didache: Faithful Teaching. Other publications (essays, commissioned work, conference approved papers) reviewed as needed to insure the academic integrity of the journal.
  2. Articles should be submitted electronically via e-mail as an attached file or by mail using CD or USB device. The preferred format is Microsoft Word. Other word processing programs require pre-approval; however, rich text format may also be accepted with appropriate citation documentation. Please use standard fonts (Times New Roman preferred), single spaced and justified left with line break between paragraphs and titles. Average length of articles typically run between 3000 and 5000 words (12-20 pages depending on content and paper size) but may vary according to publication goals and editorial process.
  3. All articles are subject to review and may be published in HTML format (as part of the introduction) as well as PDF format using Adobe Acrobat.
  4. Articles need not adhere strictly to these guidelines to be reviewed, however authors may be asked to make their articles conform to these guidelines before they are posted.
  5. All articles are subject to editing, though the author will have the opportunity to review substantive changes to the article before it is posted on the journal website.
  6. The author(s) retains the copyright on the article, however the journal publication should be cited for scholarly research and Didache versions remain the academic property of the IBOE.
  7. Articles should use inclusive language as often as possible.
  8. Documentation may use in-line parenthetical references, following the format of your discipline's preferred handbook. MLS, APA, Oxford, and Chicago typically accepted as long as the writing remains consistent with format, though Chicago Manual of Style preferred. One inch margins preferred.
  9. Use headings as follows:
    • ARTICLE TITLE (Capitalize, centered, follow with name and institution using normal capitalization, then spacing break
    • First Headings (Centered, Italicized then spacing break)
    • Second Headings (Left Margin, Italicized then spacing break)
    • Third Headings (Left Margin, first of sentence, bold)
  10. Standard abbreviations from the AAR/SBL member handbook should be used. For an online list see TC: The Journal of Textual Criticism. Use a Unicode font whenever possible. When using a non-Unicode font, please identify all special characters and diacriticals.
  11. Footnotes or endnotes may be used for citations, but sparingly for explanatory notes. Notations should be numbered consecutively and the numbers for the notes should be placed in superscript or square brackets if there are formatting issues. Example: this is the first note [1] and this is the second [2].
    [1] Note one.
    [2] Note two.
  12. The Works Cited page is preferred at the end of the document for in-text citations or full publication citations must be given when introduced within the footnotes/endnotes.
  13. All submissions and inquiries regarding format should be sent to the editor at
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