Volume 2 Number 2

Last Updated: Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Published January 2003


Greetings and welcome to Didache: Faithful Teaching. This current edition introduces several interesting articles and a new approach in the journal that hopefully many in our tradition will appreciate. We have three special articles offered in their primary language, Spanish, as well as several English offerings.

See the link below to read the remainder of the editor's introduction

default From the Editor (12 KB)

Research Section

default Introduction to Spanish Articles (16 KB)  By Ramón Sierra

default Retos y Desafio de la Educación Teológica Hacia el Siglo XXI (46 KB)  By Luis Meza Garcia

default Congreso Latinoamericano de Evangelización - Clade IV (77 KB)  By Wilfrido Canales

default El Desarrollo del Carácter del Lider Cristiano (24 KB)  By Ramón Sierra

default Why Experience Matters: What Pragmatists Teach Wesleyans About Educational Experience (52 KB)  By J. Matthew Price

Insights into Practice

default Cultural Pelau (20 KB) , by Geneva Silvernail

default My Students at the Dawn of Twenty First Century (16 KB) , by Henry W. Spaulding

default Student Culture at Africa Nazarene University: Kenya (17 KB) , by Tim Crutcher

default Presenting the Gospel to Generation X (17 KB)  – An Essay Response to Tom Beaudoin’s Virtual Faith: The Irreverent Spiritual Quest of Generation X, by Thomas J. Oord

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