Volume 3 Number 1

Last Updated: Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Published June 2003

Greetings and welcome to the third year of Didache: Faithful Teaching. This edition includes several new contributors from the Wesleyan family and a new section dedicated to student contributions. The research section includes Drs. Antonie Holleman’s European view of holiness for the new century. Drs.  Holleman is professor of theology at European Nazarene College. The presentation was part of a larger  leadership conference hosted by European Nazarene College and the rest of the presentations can be reviewed at EuNC’s website: http://www.eunc.edu/LC_followup.htm. By the way (for academic curiosity seekers) “Drs.” Is not a typo, but the correct title for Professor Holleman. The reason why is listed at the bottom of the introduction.

See the link below to read the remainder of the editor's introduction

default From the Editor (19 KB)

Research Section

default Santification & the Dissapearing Heaven (72 KB)  By Antonie Holleman

default The Role of the Holy Spirit in Transformational Learning (65 KB)  By Francis A. Payette

default Beyond Market Logic (82 KB)  By Mark Kinsey

Insights into Practice

default La Educación en Guatemala (25 KB) , by Hugo R. Avarado Muñoz

default La Educación en Guatemala–Synopsis (10 KB) , by Scott Meador

default My Experience with Online Teaching (16 KB) , by George Lyons

default Preaching Holiness in this Millennium (55 KB) , by Ramón Sierra

Student Papers

default Christian Holiness: in terms of Faith and Practice (46 KB)  By Craig Brophy

default The Covenant as the Basis of Holiness: Illustrated by the Book of Hosea (74 KB)  By Audrey Porter

default Asian–American Families & Culture: Relation of Dwelling in Bi–cultural Youth (75 KB)  By Michael B. Winstead

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