Volume 8 Number 2

Last Updated: Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Editors Introduction (Jan 2009)

(Dean Blevins) Greetings and welcome to Didache: Faithful Teaching edition 8:2 (January 2009). This edition incorporates a wealth of theological, cultural and educational treatments that intersect with a broad readership. This edition begins with specific treatments in theological and philosophical treatments within a Wesley perspective as well as a marvelous treatment within the history of the Church of the Nazarene. The edition then turns to several interesting treatments of issues in global education. Henry Spaulding begins the edition with a critical and constructive conversation between Wesleyan theology and Radical orthodoxy, addressing areas of mutual critique and resource while addressing contemporary struggles with nihilism. Bryan Williams’ presidential address to the Wesleyan Philosophical Society (published in cooperation of the WPS) also seeks a comprehensive approach to engage issues of theology, philosophy and science within a Wesleyan framework.  We wish to express our appreciation to the WPS, who consistently encourages ongoing dialog between Wesleyan thought and contemporary philosophy. To find out more about the WPS please see their website http://home.snu.edu/~brint/wpsjnl/ . Brandon Winstead’s review of the documentary history of the Gulf Century District provides an invaluable resource for future studies in the African American history within the Church of the Nazarene. Utilizing historical methods reminiscent of other Black church studies, Winstead chronicles thematic issues within this movement.

See the link below to read the remainder of the editor's introduction.


Papers are in PDF format which requires Adobe Reader. Click title link to open PDF file.

default INTRODUCTION (70 KB) : Dean G. Blevins and Matt Price, Didache Editors

Articles this edition

Henry W. Spaulding, “ default Postmodern Critical Wesleyanism (201 KB)

L. Bryan Williams, “ default via media philosophy: A Wesleyan Theory of Pilgrimage into Deep Truths (217 KB) ” (WPS Presidential Address)

Brandon Winstead, “ default ’Evangelize the Negro:’ Segregation, Power and Evangelization with the Church of the Nazarene’s Gulf Central District (275 KB) , 1953-1969

Floyd T. Cunningham, “ default Building New Bridges (124 KB) ” (APNTS Presidential Inaugural Address)

Jayme Himmelwright, “ default Shifts in Higher Education in Europe and Implications for European Nazarene College (120 KB)

Robert L Woodruff, “ default Response to Shifts in Higher Education in Europe and Implications for European Nazarene College (106 KB)

Stéphane Tibi, “ default Visual Learning with Study Map Tools (1.09 MB)

Jay Sunberg, “ default Bulgarian Food Distribution Program: Shifting the Burden (172 KB)

John Haines, “ default A Tribute to Raja Nwaisser (386 KB)

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