Volume 10 Number 1

Last Updated: Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Editor's Introduction (Jun 2010)

Greetings and welcome to Volume 10:1 (June 2010) of Didache: Faithful Teaching. Regular participants will note that our website has gone through a renovation. The new design comes courtesy our creative web designer Shawn Stevenson, the artistic eye of Tammy Condon, and the steady leadership of Commissioner E. LeBron Fairbanks. Hopefully the new design will also make the journal more user friendly in the future, assisting readers as they explore the large array of writings from regional theology conferences around the globe.

Speaking of conferences and global settings, this edition serves as a vehicle to announce a new global theology conference within the Church of the Nazarene in 2012. A recent press release includes the following:

The International Board of Education and the eight regional education coordinators for the Church of the Nazarene globally serve as planning committee members for the two conferences. Dr. Ron Benefiel, Nazarene Theological Seminary president, serves as chair for the Global Theology Conference Planning Committee, and Dr. Loren Gresham, Southern Nazarene University president, leads the Global Faith, Learning and Living Conference.

See the link below to read the remainder of the editor's introduction.


Papers are in PDF format which requires Adobe Reader. Click title link to open PDF file.

default INTRODUCTION (77 KB)  Dean G. Blevins

Table of Contents

default Article XI: Reflections on the Development of “The Doctrine of the Church.” (58 KB)  Henry W. Spaulding II, Mount Vernon Nazarene University

default Ecclesiology 101. (66 KB)  Sam Powell, Point Loma Nazarene University

default A White Paper on Article X. (143 KB)  Paul M. Bassett, Alex R.G. Deasley, Roger L. Hahn, Douglas S. Hardy, K. Steve McCormick, and Thomas A. Noble, Nazarene Theological Seminary

default Educating for Spiritual Growth: An Approach to Evaluate and Measure Spiritual Maturation. (34 KB)  Mark A. Maddix, Northwest Nazarene University

default Exploring Narnia, Middle Earth, and Other Exotic Places, with Seminarians. (50 KB)  Joseph Coleson, Nazarene Theological Seminary

default The Image of God, Personhood and Disability. (85 KB)  Jim Good, Nazarene Theological College, Brisbane, Australia

default Justice for the Other: Re-imagining the Hospitable Self in God’s Plan of Salvation. (71 KB)   Shawna Songer Gaines, Nazarene Theological Seminary


Critical Issues in Ecclesiology:  default Call for Papers (English) (38 KB)

(Spanish) default Asuntos críticos en eclesiología: Invitación para presentar trabajos (39 KB)

(French) default Questions critiques sur l’ecclésiologie : Appel à contributions (40 KB)

(Portuguese) default Questões críticas na eclesiologia: Chamado por Produção Teológica (19 KB)

(Korean)  default 교회론의 주요 사안들 논문 발표 요청 (155 KB)

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