Volume 12 Number 2

Last Updated: Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Editor's Introduction (Winter 2013)

Greetings and welcome to this volume of Didache: Faithful Teaching, a journal dedicated to exploring the intersections of Wesleyan theology, education, and culture in a global setting. We close out another edition by returning to a couple of themes mentioned earlier in the journal (actually themes that pervade the journal) and also introducing an interesting new project that serves as a case study for the intersection of technology and higher education.

The first primary theme returns to our discussion in Volume 11:1 around a philosophy or theology of higher education. As noted in that edition the International Board of Education for Church of the Nazarene… a Wesleyan entity that sponsors this publication… is in the process of exploring and developing a newer philosophy of higher education.

See the link below to read the remainder of the editor's introduction.


Papers are in PDF format which requires Adobe Reader. Click title link to open PDF file.

  default Introduction (99 KB) , Dean G. Blevins


Table of Contents


  default Our Wesleyan Tradition: Wesleyan Faith and Practice and the PLNU Mission (748 KB) ; curated by Mark Mann and Ron Benefiel, Point Loma Nazarene University

  default Hacia una Filosofía Bíblica de la Educación Theológica; Region Mesoamérica, Documento de trabajo (135 KB) ; esta fuente proveida a cortesia de Ruben Fernandez, Regional Educación Coordinador, Mesoamerica

  default SNU Expanded Mission Statement, December 2012 (223 KB) ; curated by Mary Jones, Southern Nazarene University

  default A Philosophy of Education for the Church of the Nazarene In the Africa Region (105 KB) ; by Joseph Kisoi and Daryll Stanton, Africa Nazarene University

  default The Role of the Christian University in the Church of the Nazarene (69 KB) ; by President Dan Boone, Trevecca Nazarene University

  default All Things New; Inaugural Address (145 KB)  by President David Busic, Nazarene Theological Seminary

  default Enacting Community: Living Christ in the Classroom and Beyond (92 KB) ; by Hadley Wood, Point Loma Nazarene University

  default Ministerial Standing: A Holistic Process for Undergraduate Ministry Formation (179 KB) ; by Michael A. Kipp and Mark A. Maddix, Northwest Nazarene University

  default Adult Learning In Africa (133 KB) ; by Margaret Scott, Mentor, Western Pacific District and Former Education Coordinator of the Lusophone Africa Field

  default Educación Continua: Una expresión de fidelidad y vocación ; por Venancio Juárez Chen

  default The World is Flat(ter): Reflections on the Evolution of Libraries in a Digital Age (112 KB) ; by Katie King, Library Director, Southern Nazarene University

  default Reducing Barriers to Wesleyan Thought: Olivet Nazarene University and the Wesleyan Holiness Library (133 KB) ; by Craighton Hippenhammer








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