Volume 4 Number 1

Last Updated: Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Published June 2004


Greetings and welcome to the Fourth Volume of Didache: Faithful Teaching. This issue combines numbers one and two due to several factors that are addressed in the editorial, “Why We Publish This Online Journal.”   We have a strong series of articles in this volume that offer perspectives ranging from theology on the Pacific Rim to exploring the heritage of one of our first Wesleyan institutions in the Church of the Nazarene.

See the link below to read the remainder of the editor's introduction


default From the Editor (17 KB)

default Editorial: Why We Publish This Online Journal (37 KB) , By Dean G. Blevins, Editor

Research Section

default Holiness Embodied in the Asia-Pacific Context (113 KB)  By Floyd T. Cunningham

default A Dialogue Between Wesley and Confucius on the Theme of Sanctification (173 KB)  By Seung-an Im

default A Discussion of Power as it Relates to a Local Church Context (41 KB)  By Ruth Reynard, Ph.D.

default To Spread Scriptural Holiness and to Reform the Nation: The Kingdom of God in the Thought of John Wesley (50 KB)  By Philip R. Hamner

default Loving “Nonperfectly” to Love Perfectly: The Moral Energy That Arises from Paradox (134 KB)  By L. Bryan Williams

Insights into Practice

default Christlike Character in Christian Higher Education (50 KB)  By Mark A. Maddix

Student Papers

default Beyond the Fundamentalist/Liberal Controversy: A Revisionist History of H. Orton Wiley at Nazarene University (87 KB)  by Aaron Friberg

default The Educational Ideal of the Point Loma Nazarene University (297 KB)  By H. Orton Wiley, (edited by Aaron Friberg)

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